House v. House

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Case Summary

A-15-1132, Douglas House (Appellant) v. Michele House

Lancaster County, District Judge Susan I. Strong

Attorney for Appellant: Pro Se

Attorney for Appellee: Jordan M. Talsma (Deputy Lancaster County Attorney)

Civil Action: Child Support Enforcement - Contempt

Action Taken by Trial Court: District court found Douglas House to be in willful contempt of child support order. The court sentenced Douglas to 30 days in jail but provided for suspension and purge of the sentence conditioned on Douglas making required payments.

Assignments of Error on Appeal: Douglas assigns, restated: (1) the State did not have standing to enforce a child support order that was part of divorce decree; (2) the district court did not have subject matter jurisdiction in this action when there was an existing support order; (3) the district court erred when it admitted payment history into evidence; (4) the district court erred when it modified an existing child support order; and (5) the district court erred when it found Douglas to be in willful contempt despite his impoverished status.

Case Location
Panel Text
Riedmann and Bishop, Judges, and McCormack, Justice, Retired