Acklie v. Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1128 Allen D. Acklie (Appellant) v. Greater Omaha Packing Co., Inc.

Douglas County District Court, Judge Leigh Ann

Attorneys: Steven Riekes, Ari Riekes (Marks, Clare, & Richards LLC, for Appellant); Michael Coyle, Robert Futhey, Brian Fahey (Fraser Stryker PC LLO, for Appellee)

Civil:  Contract interpretation; Jury instructions

Proceedings Below:  The district court granted partial summary judgment in favor of Appellant on his breach of contract and Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act (WPCA) claims. It found that genuine issues of material fact existed as to the amount of compensation owed to Appellant. A trial was held on damages. The jury found that Appellant did not meet his burden of proof and found in favor of Greater Omaha Packing Co.

Issues: Whether the district court erred 1) by finding ambiguity in the written agreement where there was no ambiguity; 2) by refusing Appellant’s proposed instructions; and 3) by giving confusing and conflicting jury instructions.

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