Ag Valley Cooperative v. Servinsky Engineering PLLC

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District Court
Case Summary

S-20-0709 Ag Valley Cooperative, Non-Stock (Appellant) v. Servinsky Engineering, PLLC; Johnson Systems, LLC, n/k/a The GSI Group, LLC; Heartland Building Systems, Inc.; and Chief Industries, Inc., Agri-Industrial Division (Appellees)

Lancaster County District Court, Hon. Kevin R. McManaman

Attorneys: John P. Weis & Andrew D. Wurdeman (Wolfe, Snowden, Hurd, Ahl, Sitzmann, Tannehill, & Hahn, Attorneys for Ag Valley Cooperative); Terry J. Grennan & Michael R. Faz (Cassem, Tierney, Adams, Gotch, & Douglas, Attorneys for Servinsky Engineering); Daniel L. Lindstrom & Elizabeth J. Lindelhoefer (Jacobsen, Orr, Lindstrom, & Holbrook, Attorneys for Johnson Systems); Gary J. Nedved & Christopher Gruber (Keating, O’Gara, Nedved, & Peter, Attorneys for Heartland Building Systems); Andre R. Barry, Kevin J. Schneider, & Jennie A. Kuehner (Cline, Williams, Wright, Johnson, & Oldfather, Attorneys for Chief Industries)

Civil: Product liability; Summary judgment; Statute of repose

Proceedings Below: Appellant brought a product-liability action. In a series of four orders entered between May 2019 and September 2020, the district court granted summary judgment to the Appellees and dismissed Appellant’s suit with prejudice.

Issues on Appeal: Whether, in granting summary judgment, the district court erred by determining that 1) there remained no question of material fact as to the extent of involvement by Servinsky Engineering in designing the product at issue; and 2) Nebraska’s statute of repose for product liability barred Appellant’s suit.

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