Anderson v. EMCOR Group, Inc.

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Case Summary

S-17- 0040 Charles Anderson v. Emcor Group, Inc. and The State of Nebraska Worker’s Compensation Fund (Appellant)

Workers’ Compensation Court, Judge Laureen K. Van Norman

Attorneys: Dennis P. Crawford (Crawford Law Offices, P.C., L.L.O.) --- Lorra T. O’Banion (Attorney General’s Office) --- Dru M. Moses (Law Offices of Patrick J. Sodoro, LLC) (Appellant)

Civil: Compensability of employee’s injury

Proceedings below: Following a trial, the trial court entered an award confirming Appellee’s entitlement to vocational rehabilitation benefits and services.

Issues: The trial court erred as a matter of law when it determined that the proposed vocational rehabilitation retraining program would result in suitable employment.

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