ANS, Inc. v. Nebraska Liquor Control Commission

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Case Summary

S-18-0045 ANS, Inc. (Appellant) v. Nebraska Liquor Control Commission (Appellee)

District Court of Lancaster County, Hon. Andrew Jacobsen

Attorneys: Rodney C. Dahlquist, Jr. (Dornan, Troia, Howard, Breitkreutz & Conway, PC LLO) for Appellant --- Milissa Johnson-Wiles (Attorney General’s Office) for Appellee

Administrative Procedure Act: liquor license revocation.

Proceedings Below: The district court concluded that there was sufficient evidence to support the revocation of ANS, Inc.’s Class C Liquor License and affirmed the decision of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission (Commission).

Issues: 1) Whether the district court erred in finding a knowing violation of the Commission’s order based on competent evidence only, and 2) assuming this Court finds a violation on competent evidence, whether the district court erred in finding that revocation was appropriate under the circumstances.