Armknecht v. Armknecht

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 S-17-0377 Jason L. Armknecht (Appellant) v. Alita M. Armknecht, n/k/a Alita M. Reynolds

Gage County District Court, Judge Daniel E. Bryan, Jr.

Attorneys: Louie M. Ligouri (Ligouri Law Office) (Appellant) --- Mark J. Krieger & Terri M. Weeks (Bowman & Krieger)

Civil: Modification; child support

Proceedings Below: The district court modified child support.

Issues: The district court erred by 1) entering a child support order that deviates from the child support guidelines without making the necessary findings that the application of the child support guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate as required by § 4-203 of the guidelines 2) predicating the child support order on the former income of the parties from 2001 rather than their income at the time of the trial on February 24, 2017, 3) setting child support in an amount payable by the Appellant that is substantially above that established by the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines, and in a manner contrary to § 4-217 (Modification) of the child support guidelines and the evidence, 4) failing to make findings of fact, independently, as to the various contested child support issues, and in a manner contrary to Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1504 (F), 5) raising Appellant's child support twenty-four dollars ($24) as a result of having two subsequently born children from a second marriage and in direct contravention of § 4-217 (Modification) and of Neb. Ct. R. ch. 4, art. 2, worksheet 1 (rev. 2017) of the child support guidelines, 6) failing to consider evidence of defendant's income and in failing to take into account various benefits of a substantial monetary value Appellee received from her reported employer, and 7) allocating a child support share to the Appellee of an amount below that established by the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines.

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