Becher v. Becher

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-18 0608 Becher v. Becher

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Kevin R. McManaman

Attorneys: Sally A. Rasmussen (Mattson Ricketts Law Firm) (Appellant)
David P. Kyker (Appellee)

Civil: Parenting time modification

Proceedings below: The district court modified the decree to award summer parenting time and telephonic parenting time.

Issues: 1) The district court erred in modifying the decree while the decree was on appeal, 2) the district court erred in exercising jurisdiction over Appellant where she had not been
properly served with a summons or a copy of the complaint, 3) if the Court finds the district court had jurisdiction to enter the June 14, 2018 orders, and had jurisdiction over Appellant, then the district court erred in failing to afford Appellant her constitutionally protected right to due process, and 4) if the Court finds the district court had jurisdiction to enter the June 14, 2018 orders, and had jurisdiction over Appellant, and that procedural due process guarantees were afforded her, then the district court erred in modifying the parties’ parenting time without a showing of a material change in circumstances since the entry of the decree.