Bergmeier v. Bergmeier

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S-15-1189, Jay M. Bergmeier v. Nanci B. Bergmeier

District Court of Douglas County, Judge Marlon A. Polk

Attorneys: Aaron F. Smeall (Smith, Slusky, Pohren, & Rogers LLP) (for Appellant Jay Bergmeier) --- Benjamin M. Belmont, Wm. Oliver Jenkins (Brodkey, Peebles, Belmont & Line LLP)

Civil: Dissolution

Proceedings Below: The court dissolved the marriage of the parties and divided the assets and liabilities of the marriage. Alimony was ordered to be paid to Appellee and Appellee was awarded attorney fees.

Issues: The trial court erred in finding future compensation payments under Appellant's captured insurance agent contract to be property of the marital estate and awarding Appellee a portion thereof.