Bramble v. Bramble

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Case Summary

S-18-0682 James D. Bramble (Appellee) v. Lori A. Bramble (Appellant)
Douglas County District Court, Judge W. Russell Bowie
Attorneys: Elizabeth Stuht Borchers, Steven J. Riekes (Marks Clare & Richards LLC, for Appellee); C.G. (Dooley) Jolly, Travis Jacott (Adams & Sullivan PC, LLO, for Appellant)
Civil: Dissolution of marriage; Contempt; Mootness
Proceedings Below: The parties were divorced pursuant to an amended decree of dissolution. Appellee filed an application for order to show cause alleging that Appellant violated the decree of dissolution by removing appliances from the marital home. The court held trial over two days. The district court entered a purge order finding Appellant in willful contempt and ordering her to pay $3,573 in damages and $1,500 in attorney’s fees, or be sentenced. Appellant appealed the purge order to the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals affirmed in part and reversed in part, finding that the purge order was not a final order. The trial court then entered a second purge order finding Appellant in contempt and to pay the previous damages or spend 10 days in jail. Appellant paid Appellee with the supersedeas bond from the first appeal.
Issues: Whether the trial erred in 1) finding Appellant in contempt; 2) holding Appellant to vague provisions of the amended decree; 3) awarding attorney fees to Appellee; and 4) not awarding attorney fees to Appellant.