Brown v. Regional West Medical Center

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Scotts Bluff
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Case Summary

S-17-0555 Melinda J. Brown (Appellant) v. Regional West Medical Center, et. al.

Scotts Bluff County, Judge Leo Dobrovolny

Attorneys:      Robert M. Brenner  (Robert M. Brenner Law Office) — Howard P. Olsen and John L. Selzer (Simmons Olsen Law Firm)

Civil:               Employment

Proceedings Below:  The district court granted summary judgment against Appellant.

Issues: (1) whether the district court erred when it determined that the January 19, 2012 letter to Brown was the sole triggering act starting the statute of limitations; (2) whether the district court erred when it found that no subsequent violative employment practice by RWMC would restart the limitations period; (3) whether the district court erred when it found no evidence that Brown attempted to avail herself of other jobs with RWMC; (4) whether the district court erred when, finding a workers’ compensation claim existed, then finding no retaliatory termination or causal link existed when RWMC made other jobs known to her; (5) whether the denial of punitive claim is contrary to the law and the facts; (6) whether the district court erred by dismissing Brown’s ADA, NFEPA, wrongful termination, and retaliatory claims against RWMC based on its findings and legal error in its ruling.

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