Carlson v. Carlson

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Case Summary

S- 17-0064 Mark Alan Carlson v. Karen Sue Carlson

District Court of Douglas County, Hon. Leigh Ann Retelsdorf

Attorneys: Adam Astley of Slowiaczek, Albers, & Astley (for Appellant, Mark) v. Benjamin Belmont & Oliver Jenkins of Brodkey, Peebles, Belmont & Line (for Appellee, Karen)

Civil: Enforcement and Modification of Property Settlement Agreement

Proceedings Below: District Court interpreted the Property Settlement Agreement (PSA) to require Mark to pay support for children past age of majority.

Issues: 1) Whether the PSA was ambiguous; 2) if ambiguous, whether extrinsic evidence showed Mark was required to pay support for children past age of majority; 3) whether the trial court applied the correct standard of review for PSA provisions involving support for adult children; and 4) whether the trial court abused its discretion by awarding Karen attorneys’ fees.


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