City of Springfield v. City of Papillion

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S-15-0882 City of Springfield (Appellant) v. City of Papillion

District Court of Sarpy County, Judge William B. Zastera

Attorneys: William E. Seidler, Jr. (Seidler & Seidler, P.C.) (Appellant) --- Karla R. Rupiper & Jessica E. Thomas (City of Papillion)

Civil: Annexation; standing; County Industrial Sewer Construction Act

Proceedings below: The district court dismissed Appellant's complaint on the grounds it did not have standing. Appellant filed a Petition to Bypass the Court of Appeals which was granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Issues: The district court erred in 1) its construction of the County Industrial Sewer Construction Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. '23-3601 et. seq. regarding the governmental rights of the City of Springfield, and 2) its August 25, 2015 Opinion and Order in dismissing Springfield's Complaint for lack of standing.