Cookson v. Ramge

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S-17-0521 Amanda E. Cookson, Marcie L. Cooper, Louis M. Anderson, and the Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association (Appellants) v. Bruce R. Ramge, Director, Nebraska Department of Insurance

Lancaster County, Judge John A. Colborn

Attorneys: Steve Grasz, Mark D. Hill, (Husch Blackwell LLP) (Appellants) --- David A. Lopez (Attorney General’s Office)

Civil: Insurance policies; health service; Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-513

Proceedings below: The district court held the statute allows insurance policies to charge different copayments on policyholders when they obtain a covered service from a doctor of chiropractic than if they obtain the same covered service from a medical doctor. Appellants filed a Petition to Bypass the Court of Appeals, which was joined by the Department of Insurance.

Issues: 1. The district court erred in holding that Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-513 allows insurance policies to discriminate against policyholders by charging a higher copayment if policyholders obtain a covered service from a doctor of chiropractic than if they obtain the same covered service from a medical doctor.

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