Doerr v. Doerr

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0418 Tammy M. Doerr (Appellee) v. Brian P. Doerr (Appellant)

Dodge County District Court, Judge Geoffrey C. Hall

Attorneys: Michael J. Wilson (Schaefer Shapiro, LLP, for Appellant) --- Michael J. Tasset (Johnson & Mock, PC, LLO, for Appellee)

Dissolution: Equitable division of marital property

Proceedings Below: The district court entered a decree dissolving the parties’ marriage and dividing their property.

Issues: 1) Whether the court properly divided (i) the marital property, (ii) Appellee’s bank account, (iii) an account with approximately $16,000 of debt, and (iv) an account with approximately $13,000 of assets; 2) Whether the court properly ordered Appellant to make an equalization payment.

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