Dolezal-Soukup v. Dodge County Board of Adjustment

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District Court
Case Summary

S-20-0295 Carla Dolezal-Soukup (Appellant) v. Dodge County Board of Adjustment, and Joseph Kreifels and Teri Kreifels (Appellees)

Dodge County District Court, Judge Geoffrey C. Hall

Attorneys: David V. Drew (Drew Law Firm P.C., L.L.O., for Appellant) --- Robert S. Keith and Alexis M. Wright (Engles, Ketcham, Olson & Keith, P.C., for Dodge County Board of Adjustment) --- David C. Mitchell and Spencer B. Wilson (Yost, Schafersman, Lamme, Hillis, Mitchell, Schulz & Hartmann, P.C., for Joseph and Teri Kreifels)

Civil: County zoning variance in agricultural district

Proceedings Below: The court affirmed the County Board’s decision to grant a zoning variance to the Appellees for a 4-H pig pen.

Issues: Whether 1) the court erred in affirming the board’s finding that the Appellees would suffer an undue hardship; and 2) the court erred in finding that the board’s decision was not arbitrary, unreasonable, nor clearly wrong.

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