Dooling v. Dooling

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Case Summary

A-18-0191 Dooling v. Dooling

Sarpy County District Court, Judge Stefanie A. Martinez

Attorneys: Kathryn D. Putnam (Astley Putnam, P.C., L.L.O.) --- Christopher Perrone (Perrone Law)(Appellant)

Civil: Divorce; division of property; support

Proceedings below: The district court issued a decree of dissolution dividing the marital estate, awarding joint custody, ordering Appellant to pay child support of $822/month and alimony of $500/month for 60 months.

Issues: The district court erred and abused its discretion 1) by incorrectly calculating the child support to be paid by Appellant, 2) in determining the amount of funds to be distributed to each party as a result of the sale of the party’s real estate and in calculating reimbursement for expenses of Appellee, 3) in calculating and splitting the sick pay, vacation time and comp pay, 4) in the division of debt, and 5) in awarding alimony.

Issues on Cross-Appeal: The district court abused its discretion 1) in awarding Appellant de facto joint physical custody when neither party requested joint custody and the court failed to make the required findings that joint physical custody was in the children’s best interest, 2) in failing to award Appellee any vacation time with the minor children, 3) in failing to include Appellant’s VA disability pay in his total income available for paying child support, 4) in failing to make provisions for the allocation of the children’s direct expenses and childcare costs as required by Nebraska Guidelines, and 5) in excluding Appellant’s sick pay from the marital estate.