Ecker v. E & A Consulting Group, Inc

Case Number(s)
Call Date
Court Number
Case Location
Case Summary

S-17-1190, Tom Ecker, Ruth Ecker, Jim Sledge, and Rosemary Sledge (Appellants) v. E&A Consulting Group, Inc., Sanitary Improvement District No. 237, and City of LaVista

Sarpy County District Court, Judge William B. Zastera and Judge Stefanie A. Martinez

Attorneys: John Walker and Michael Storey (Lamson, Dugan & Murray) for Appellants – Gerald Friedrichsen & William Bradshaw (Fitzgerald, Schorr, Barmettler & Brennan) for the City of Lavista, Gregory Scaglione and John Matson (Koley Jessen) for E&A Consulting Group, Inc., and John Svoboda (Gross & Welch) for SID No. 237

Civil: Negligence Action.

Proceedings Below: Summary judgment for defendants.

Issues Presented: Whether there was a genuine issue of material fact and whether the court erred in granting summary judgment.