E.D. v. Bellevue Public School District

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S-17-0590 E.D. v. Bellevue Public School District (Appellant) & Bradley Nord (Appellee/Cross-Appellant)

District Court of Sarpy County, Hon. Stefanie Martinez

Attorneys:  Matthew A. Lathrop (Law Offices of Matthew A. Lathrop) --- Thomas J. Culhane & Matthew B. Reilly (Erickson Sedestrom, P.C.) (Appellee/Cross-Appellant) --- Jeanelle R. Lust  & Carly Bahramzad (Kudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson & Endacott, LLP) (Appellant)

Civil: Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act; negligence; immunity

Proceedings below:  Partial denial of motion to dismiss on sovereign immunity grounds.

Issues:  The district court erred in 1) not finding the School immune from suit in this matter, 2) failing to dismiss all of the allegations of negligence against the school because “but for” the intentional acts of Nord these claims would not exist, and 3) relying on a third-party intentional act case instead of relying on cases involving acts of a political subdivision’s employee.

Issues on Cross-Appeal: The district court erred in failing to grant immunity to Nord according to a strict construction of the PSTCA.

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