Eddy v. Builders Supply Company, Inc.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-0800 Wanda Eddy (Appellant) v. Builders Supply Company, Inc.

Workers’ Compensation Court, Judge Daniel R. Fridrich

Attorneys: Joseph S. Risko (Carlson & Burnett, LLP, for Appellant) — Robert Kinney-Walker (Law Office of James Nubel, for Appellee)

Workers’ Compensation Court: Entitlement to benefits

Proceedings Below: The court entered an order of dismissal after finding that the employee intentionally injured herself.

Issues: Appellant assigns that the court abused its discretion in 1) sustaining Appellee’s motion to exclude an expert’s testimony; 2) denying Appellant’s motion to continue; 3) entering an order of dismissal without sufficient competent evidence; and 4) determining that appellant willfully attempted suicide.

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