Faulder v. Faulder

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Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1311 David D. Faulder (Appellant) v. Barbara Anna Faulder

Gage County District Court, Judge Rick A. Schreiner

Attorneys: Jeffery Davis (Smith Schafer Davis Gaertig LLC, for Appellant)---Robert S. Lannin and Katherine Q. Martz (Baylor Evnen, LLP, for Appellee)

Civil: Dissolution of marriage

Proceedings Below: Appellant filed a complaint to dissolve his marriage with Appellee. Appellee filed a motion to dismiss, and the district court entered an order dismissing the action. Appellant appealed.

Issues: Whether the district court erred by 1) determining that Appellant did not meet the residency requirement for filing a dissolution action; 2) determining that Appellee did not have sufficient contacts with Nebraska under the long-arm statute to establish personal jurisdiction in Nebraska; 3) determining that Appellant’s complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted; and 4) determining that Appellee’s dissolution action, filed in Colorado, has priority over the Nebraska action.

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