Fetherkile v. Fetherkile

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Case Summary

S-16-1159 Jessica Renee Fetherkile v. Brandon Lee Fetherkile (Appellant)

Pawnee County, Judge Daniel E. Bryan, Jr.

Attorneys: Angelo M. Ligouri (Appellant) --- no brief filed by Appellee, case in default

Civil: Dissolution with child custody

Proceedings below: The court dissolved the marriage of the parties and awarded custody of the 3 children to Appellee. Appellant was ordered to pay child support and attorney fees to Appellee.

Issues: The trial court erred in (1) finding Ariana D. was a child of the parties; (2) dividing debts of the parties equally; (3) determining custody, parenting time, child support and expenses on Ariana D. as she is not Appellant’s child; (4) ordering child support pursuant to a prior order in a separate proceeding; (5) ordering child support and income tax dependencies based on 3 children; (6) ordering Appellant to pay attorney fees for Appellee; (7) failing to attach a Nebraska Child Support Worksheet to the decree; (8)failing to allow Appellant to present evidence on his cross-complaint or respond to presentation of Appellee’s evidence. (9) The ruling of the court is unjust, inequitable, contrary to the evidence and an abuse of discretion.

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