Fuelberth v. Heartland Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-20-0178 Troy M. Fuelberth and Julie. K. Fuelberth (Appellants) v. Heartland Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. (Appellee)

Cedar County District Court, Judge James G. Kube & Judge Bryan G. Meismer

Attorneys: David E. Copple & Allison Rockey Mason (Copple, Rockey & Schlecht PC, LLO, for Appellants); Todd B. Vetter & Luke P. Henderson (Fitzgerald, Vetter, Temple, Bartell & Henderson, for Appellee)

Civil: Negligence; Implied warranty to perform in a workmanlike manner; Summary judgment; Statute of limitations

Proceedings Below: The court granted the Appellee’s motion for summary judgment, finding the Appellants’ claims accrued by November 12, 2012, and that the complaint filed on November 14, 2016, is time-barred. The court denied Appellants’ motion to alter or amend.  

Issues on Appeal: Whether 1) the court correctly found the action was barred by the 4–year statute of limitations under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25–223; and 2) any genuine issues of material facts exist regarding substantial completion of the geothermal system or ice melt system.

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