Gomez v. Gomez

Case Number(s)
Call Date
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Case Summary

S-18-0894 Elizabeth A. Tonniges, f/k/a Elizabeth A. Gomez (Appellant) v. Patrick W. Gomez

Douglas County District Court, Judge Peter C. Batallion

Attorneys: Aaron F. Smeall & Jacob A. Acers (Smith, Slusky, Pohren & Rogers LLP, for Appellant) — Adam R. Little (Ballew Hazen, PC, LLO, for Appellee)

Civil: Motion to enforce dissolution decree and parenting plan

Proceedings Below: The court interpreted the decree and entered an order to enforce the decree and parenting plan.

Issues: Whether the court erred in 1) interpreting the decree to require the children to participate in the Catholic religion beyond the plain language of the decree; and 2) granting relief greater than requested by the motion.