Great Plains Livestock Consulting v. Midwest Insurance Exchange

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District Court
Case Summary

S-21-722 Great Plains Livestock Consulting, Inc. and KI Fanning (Appellant) v. Midwest Insurance Exchange, Inc., UNICO Group Inc., and Sean Kruger

Appeal from the District Court for Cass County, Judge Michael Smith

Attorneys: Andrew D. Weeks (Baylor Evnen Law Firm for Appellant), Patrick Vipond and Sean A. Minahan (Lamson, Dugan, & Murray for Appellee UNICO Group, Inc., and Sean Kruger), and David A. Blagg and Brien M. Welch (Cassem, Tierney, Adams, Gotsch, & Douglas for Appellee Midwest Insurance Exchange, Inc.)

Civil:  Insurance, Negligence, and Motion to Dismiss

Proceedings Below: Appellants brought a negligence action against Appellees, and the district court dismissed the lawsuit.  On its own motion, the Nebraska Supreme Court ordered that this case be removed from the docket of the Nebraska Court of Appeals and transferred this case to its docket.

Issue: Appellant argues that the district court erred in holding that the Appellant’s cause of action was not ripe as Appellant’s have incurred and will continue to incur ongoing damages, and, in not granting Appellant’s Motion to Stay the Proceedings. 

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