Hauptman, O'Brien, Wolf, Lathrop v. Auto-Owners Insurance Company

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District Court
Case Summary

S-20-0516 Hauptman O’Brien Wolf & Lathrop, P.C. (Appellee) v. Auto-Owners Insurance Company (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Hon. Peter C. Bataillon

Attorneys:                   Joshua J. Yambor (Hauptman, O’Brien, Wolf & Lathrop, P.C., for Appellee); Michael T. Gibbons & Raymond E. Walden (Woodke & Gibbons, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellant)

Civil:                           Common Fund Doctrine; § 44-3,128.01

Proceedings Below: The district court affirmed the county court’s order which granted summary judgment to Hauptman O’Brien Wolf & Lathrop, P.C. and denied summary judgment to Auto-Owners Insurance Company.

Issues on Appeal: The issue on appeal is whether Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-3,128.01 renders the common fund doctrine inapplicable. The issue on cross-appeal is whether the district court abused its discretion in granting Auto-Owners Ins. Co., an extension to file its statement of errors.

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