Hawley v. Skradski

Case Number(s)
Call Date
Case Time
Court Number
Case Location
Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-0849 Kim Hawley (Appellant) v. John Skradski (Appellee)

Attorneys: Scott Lautenbaugh (The Law Offices of Scott Lautenbaugh, for Appellant); Michael J. O’Bradovich (Michael J. O’Bradovich P.C., for Appellee)

Douglas County District Court, Judge James T. Gleason

Civil: Directed Verdict; Conversion; Tortious Interference  

Proceedings Below:  Appellant brought suit against Appellee for breach of contract, conversion, and tortious interference. Following a jury trial, Appellee moved for a directed verdict at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The district court granted the motion for directed verdict on all the causes of action and dismissed the case.

Issues: Whether the district court erred in 1) granting the directed verdict for conversion and tortious interference; 2) finding there was no evidence of assets converted or the value thereof; and 3) finding that a business entity ceased to exist when the physical location is closed.  

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