Jank v. Uhrich

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S-17-0783, Sarah Jank v. John Uhrich (Appellant)

District Court for Douglas County, Hon. Gary B. Randall

Attorneys: Benjamin M. Belmont & Oliver Jenkins (Brodkey, Peebles, Belmont & Line, LLP) --- Andrew J. Hilger (Law Office of Andrew J. Hilger)(Appellant)

Civil: divorce—contempt

Proceedings Below: Appellant was found in contempt of the parties divorce decree and ordered to pay Appellee $15,085.50 plus interest, as well as Appellee’s attorney fees to purge the contempt.

Issues on Appeal: The district court erred in (1) finding that the decree required Appellant to transfer the insurance policy; (2) finding Appellant in contempt; (3) requiring Appellant to pay Appellee; (4) requiring Appellant to pay Appellee’s attorney fees; (5) ordering an incorrect judgment interest rate.

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