Jones v. Jones (PFR)

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Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-0093 Mary Jones (Appellant) v. Curtis L. Jones

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Andrew Jacobson

Attorneys:  David V. Chipman (Monzon, Guerra & Associates) (Appellant) --- Mark j. Krieger & Terri M. Weeks (Bowman & Krieger)

Civil: Costody modification

Proceedings Below:  The district court modified custody based on a material change in circumstances.  On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed in part and remanded with directions.  The Appellant filed a petition for further review, which was granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Issues: The Court of Appeals erred in finding that the district court abused its discretion in finding there was a material change of circumstances affecting the best interests of the child.

Schedule Code