Krejci v. Krejci

Case Number(s)
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Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-0908 Mark S. Krejci (Appellant0 v. Christina A. Krejci v. Lorenza Moore (Third Party Defendant0

Attorneys:  Edith T. Peebles (Brodkey, Cuddigan, Peebles, Belmont & Line, for Appellant) – Barry S. Grossman (Law Offices for Barry S. Grossman, for Appellee)

Douglas County District Court, Judge J. Michael Coffey

Civil:  Motion for civil contempt and complaint to modify grandparent visitation

Proceedings Below:  The trial court found no contempt, dismissed the complaint to modify, and modified the grandparent visitation order.

Issues: Whether the trial court abused its discretion 1) by modifying the decree of grandparent visitation; and 2) in failing to find Appellee in contempt of court.

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