Lanham v. BNSF Railway Company

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0114 Alexander Lanham (Appellant) v. BNSF Railway Company (Cross-Appellant)

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Robert R. Otte

Attorneys: Nichole S. Bogen (Lamson Dugan & Murray, LLP) Wayne L. Robbins, Jr. (pro hac vice, Robbins Travis, PLLC) Attorneys for Appellee --- Corey L. Stull, Jeanette Stull (Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellant).

Civil: Federal Employers’ Liability Act

Proceedings Below: The district court rejected BNSF’s jurisdictional argument but granted summary judgment in favor of BNSF on the merits of Appellant’s claim, fining that Appellant was the sole proximate cause of his injuries.  

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in granting summary judgment in favor of BNSF and, on cross-appeal, whether the trial court lacked personal jurisdiction over BNSF because BNSF is not “at home in Nebraska,” and whether consent is a valid basis for the exercise of general jurisdiction.  

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