Lerette v. Howard

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Case Summary

S-17-0580 David LeRette, Jr., individually and as owner of Master Blaster Inc. v. Steven H. Howard and Dowd, Howard & Corrigan, Inc.

District Court for Douglas County, Hon. Timothy P. Burns

Attorneys: Ronald J. Palagi & Kathy Pate Knickrehm; David Domina & Brian Jorde

Civil: legal malpractice

Proceedings Below: The jury found that LeRette met his burden of proof and returned a verdict in his favor for $775,000. The district court partially sustained the Howard’s motion for JNOV and reduced the damages award to $235,968.78.

Issues on Appeal: Whether the district court erred in (1) partially sustaining the motion for JNOV and reducing LeRette’s award; and (2) denying LeRette’s motion for sanctions.

Issues on Cross-appeal: The district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction because LeRette is not the real party in interest.


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