Lindsay International Sales and Services, LLC v. Wegener

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Case Summary

S-16-1051, Michael J. Wegener and Jerome Pribil v. Linsday International Sales and Service, LLC

District Court for Platte County, Hon. Robert R. Steinke

Attorneys: Stephen Ahl, Krista Carlson—Wolfe Snowden, Lincoln; Barry Geweke—Stowell & Geweke, Ord; John Lingelbach, John Matson, Koley Jessen, Omaha

Civil: guaranty

Proceedings Below: Lindsay filed suit against Wegener and Pribil on guaranties. The district court ordered a directed verdict disallowing certain affirmative defenses raised by the men. Certain defenses to the underlying guaranties went to the jury. The jury found for Lindsay in the amount of almost $1.02 million.

Issues on Appeal: Whether the district court erred in (1) ordering a directed verdict as to certain affirmative defenses raised by Wegener and Pribil; (2) not instructing the jury with regard to the Deceptive Trade Practices Act; (3) admitting Wegener’s and Pribil’s financial statements into evidence; and (4) failing to grant Wegener’s and Pribil’s motion for new trial.


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