Loyd v. Family Dollar Stores of Nebraska, Inc.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0230 Cheryl Loyd (Appellant) v. Family Dollar Stores of Nebraska (Appellee)

Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, Judge John R. Hoffert

Attorneys: Michael W. Meister (Meister Law, for Appellant) – Patrick Sodoro and Lyndsey Canning (Law Office of Patrick J. Sodoro, LLC, for Appellee)

Civil: Worker’s compensation settlement; Disclosure of attorney fees

Proceedings Below: The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court denied the parties’ application for approval of lump sum settlement and joint stipulation. The court believes the Appellant must disclose her fee arrangement with her attorney, as well as the expenses associated with this case prior to approving the settlement application.

Issues: Whether the Workers’ Compensation Court can compel parties to disclose fee agreements between an attorney and an injured worker the attorney is representing.

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