McDonnell v. Nebraska State Bar Commission

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S-17-0668 William M. McDonnell (Appellant) v. Nebraska State Bar Commission

Nebraska State Bar Commission

Attorneys: Timothy R. Ertz, Ryan S. Post (Attorney General’s Office for the Nebraska State Bar Commission) --- William M. McDonnell, pro se

Civil: Adverse decision regarding application for admission to practice of law; Neb. Ct. R. 3-119(B)(1).

Proceedings below: The Commission determined that McDonnell did not satisfy the “actively and substantially engaged in the practice of law” requirement for Class I-B applicant and denied admission.

Issues: 1. The Commission erred in concluding that McDonnell's employment as a law school teacher at the College of Law did not fulfill the requirement of "actively" and "substantially" engaging in the practice of law for 3 of the 5 years immediately preceding application for admission. 

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