McManus Enterprises, Inc. v. NE Liquor Control Commission

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Case Summary

S-18-0699, McManus Enterprises, Inc. (Appellant) v. Nebraska Liquor Control Commission (Appellee)
Lancaster County District Court, Judge Andrew Jacobsen
Attorneys: Charles D. Humble, Erickson|Sederstrom, PC, LLO (Appellant) --- Milissa Johnson-Wiles, Assistant Attorney General (Appellee)
Civil: liquor license cancellation
Proceedings Below: On December 13, 2017, the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission issued an order cancelling the Appellant’s liquor license. That order was appealed to the district court of Lancaster County, and was affirmed on July 11, 2018 after a hearing on May 17. Appellant filed a notice of appeal on July 16.
Issues: Appellant assigns two errors: 1) that the district court erred by not interpreting the Commission’s disturbance rule according to the plain meaning of its language; and 2) that the court erred in finding that Appellant failed to take actions required by the disturbance rule when those required actions had already been taken by third parties.