McPherson v. City of Scottsbluff

Case Number(s)
Call Date
Court Number
Scotts Bluff
Case Location
Case Summary

S-18-0834 Ian McPherson (Appellant) v. City of Scottsbluff

Scotts Bluff County District Court, Judge Leo P. Dobrovolny

Attorneys: Joy Shiffermiller, Abby Osborn (Shiffermiller Law Office, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellant) — Steven W. Olsen, Paul W. Snyder (Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C., for Appellee)

Civil: Nebraska Fair Employment Practices Act

Proceedings Below: Upon cross motions for summary judgment, the trial court sustained the motion for summary judgment for the City of Scottsbluff, denied Appellant’s motion, and dismissed the case.

Issues: Whether the court erred in finding there was no genuine issues of material fact and in granting summary judgment.