Merrick v. Fischer Rounds & Associates

Case Number(s)
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Court Number
Scotts Bluff
Case Location
Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1173 Jerald Merrick, as Assignee of Western Hay Services, Inc., (Appellant) v. Fisher, Rounds & Associates, Inc., d/b/a Quality Truck Insurance, and Great West Casualty Company

Scotts Bluff County District Court, Judge Richard A. Birch

Attorneys: Michael W. Meister (Attorney for Appellant); Sean A Minahan and Patrick G. Vipond (Lamson Dugan & Murray, for Appellees); Robert S. Keith and Alexis M. Wright (Engles Ketcham Olson & Keith, for Appellees)

Civil: Insurance; Negligence and bad faith

Proceedings below: The trial court sustained defendants’ motions for summary judgment and dismissed amended complaint with prejudice.

Issues: Whether Fisher Rounds, as an insurance broker, owed a duty to Western Hay to advise it of the need to obtain workers’ compensation insurance; whether Great West had a duty to defend Western Hay in the underlying action.

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