Millard Gutter Company v. Shelter Mutual Insurance Company

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District Court
Case Summary

S-20-0907 Millard Gutter Company, d/b/a/ Millard Roofing and Gutter (Appellant) v. Shelter Mutual Insurance Company

Douglas County District Court, Hon. Shelly Stratman

Attorneys:  Theodore R. Boecker, Jr. (Boecker Law, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellant)–Michael T. Gibbons and Raymond E. Walden (Woodke & Gibbons, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellee)

Civil: Breach contract; Bad faith denial of claims

Proceedings Below: Upon Appellee’s motion, the district court dismissed Appellant’s bad faith claims. Because Appellant did not comply with the court’s order to amend its complaint to provide more information about the assignors and the assignments, the district court ultimately dismissed the entire complaint with prejudice for failure to state a claim.   

Issues on Appeal:  Appellant assigns that the district court erred in 1) dismissing the bad faith claims upon Appellee’s motion to dismiss; 2) requiring Appellant to make its complaint more definite and certain; 3) dismissing the action with prejudice in response to Appellant’s election to stand on its complaint; 4) adopting an order prepared by Appellee’s counsel that was not previously disclosed to Appellant; and 5) denying Appellant’s motion to alter or amend.

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