Mullins v. Box Butte County, Nebraska

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Court Number
Box Butte
Case Location
Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-23-0636 Samuel Mullins (Appellant) v. Box Butte County and Tammy Mowry, Box Butte County Sheriff and Supervisor of the Box Butte County Jail, in her official capacity, and the Box Butte County Jail (Appellees)

Appeal from the District Court for Box Butte County, Judge Derek C. Weimer

Attorneys:  Bell Island (Island Law Office, PC, LLO for Appellant), Travis R. Rodak (Deputy Box Butte County Attorney for Appellee) and Christopher Eickholt (as amicus curiae for Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney Association)

Civil:   Declaratory Judgment

Proceedings below:  The district court denied Appellant’s request for a Declaratory Judgment or a Writ of Mandamus to calculate good time pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 47-502.  Appellant filed a Petition to Bypass the Court of Appeals, which the Court granted and ordered this case to be transferred to its docket.

Issues:  Appellant makes the following assignment of error:  1) The district court erred in failing to sustain the Motion for Declaratory judgement or the Writ of Mandamus to compel the defendants to calculate good time by aggregating the sentences as set out in Neb. Rev. Stat. §47- 502.

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