Nadeem v. State (PFR)

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Case Summary

S-16-0113 Mohammed Nadeem (Appellant) v. State of Nebraska

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Robert R. Otte

Attorneys: Jeffry D. Peterson (Appellant) --- Ryan S. Post (Attorney General’s Office)

Civil: Nebraska Wrongful Conviction and Imprisonment Act

Proceedings below: The district court dismissed Appellant’s complaint with prejudice. The Court of Appeals reversed and remanded for further proceedings. See Nadeem v. State, 24 Neb. App. 825 (2017). Appellee filed a Petition for Further Review which was granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Issues on Review: 1) The Court of Appeals erred in concluding it was confined to review only the specific allegation in the complaint, and 2) the Court of Appeals erred by not affirming the district court’s dismissal of the complaint.

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