Nelssen v. Richie

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1020 Pamela Nelssen (Appellant) v. Hal Ritchie (Appellee)

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Lori A. Maret

Attorneys: Robert Creager (Anderson, Creager, & Wittstruck, P.C., L.L.O.) – David L. Welch and Kellie Chesire Olson (Pansing Hogan Ernst & Bachma, L.L.P.)

Civil: Contract

Proceedings Below: Following Appellee’s nonpayment of agreed-to monetary amounts on a judgment from 1996, Nelssen filed a motion for revivor of the Judgment on March 30, 2018, and April 18, 2018.  After hearing arguments and reviewing briefs, the trial court entered an order on denying Appellant’s revivor motion.

Issues: Whether the statute of limitations, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1425, may be tolled or estopped based on the conduct of the parties or alternatively that a party may waive a right to assert a statute of limitations defense expressly or through conduct constituting such a waiver.

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