Nesbitt v. Frakes

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Case Summary

S-16-0931 Thomas Nesbitt et al. (Appellants) v. Scott Frakes et al.

Lancaster County, Judge Jodi L. Nelson

Attorneys: Thomas Nesbitt (pro se) — Douglas J. Peterson & Timothy R. Ertz (Attorney General’s Office)

Civil: Declaratory Judgment - prison conditions

Proceedings Below: The court dismissed appellant’s amended complaint under Neb. Ct. R. Pldg. § 6-1112(b)(6).

Issues: Appellant assigns that the court erred in (1) denying his verified complaint, (2) failing to properly evaluate his claims under the notice pleading system, and (3) refusing to (a) certify class members, (b) appoint legal counsel, and (c) issue a restraining order and temporary injunction.

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