Nieveen v. TAX 106

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District Court
Case Summary

S-21-0364, Sandra K. Nieveen (Appellant) v. Tax 106, et al.

District court for Lancaster County, Honorable Kevin R. McManaman

Attorneys: Mark T. Bestul, Jennifer Gaughan, & Caitlin Cedfeldt) (Legal Aid of Nebraska) (Appellant) --- Eric Synowicki (County Attorney’s Office) (Appellees Rachel Garver & Lancaster County) --- Christian R. Blunk (Harris & Associates, P.C., L.L.O.)(Appellees) --- James A. Campbell, Solicitor General (Attorney General’s Office) (Appellee Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General)

Civil: Request to quiet title; tax sale; unjust enrichment; takings clause; due process clause; excessive fines and fees clause; summary judgment

Proceedings below: The district court dismissed Appellant’s complaint and denied her relief.

Issues: Whether the district court erred in 1) determining that Appellant failed to prove that she suffered from a mental disorder at the time of the tax sale which would allow her the extended redemption time under Neb. Rev. Stat. §77-1827, 2) granting the motion to dismiss Appellant’s constitutional claims: A) whether the district court erred in finding Appellant failed to state a claim for relief upon which relief can be granted under the state and federal Takings Clause and Article I, Section 25 of the Nebraska Constitution, B) whether the district court erred in finding Appellant failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted under the state and federal due process clauses, and C) whether the district court erred in finding Appellant failed to state a claim for relief upon which relief can be granted under the state and federal excessive fines and fees clauses, and 3) granting Garver and Lancaster County’s motion for summary judgment.

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