O'Daniel v. Edquist

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0325 O’Daniel Flight Service, LLC, and Trey M. O’Daniel v. Keith B. Edquist and Harley Sanwick, Sr. v. D.S Avionics Unlimited, LLC (Intervenor-Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Duane C. Dougherty

Attorneys: Thomas M. Locher (Locher, Pavelka, Dostal, Braddy & Hammes, LLC) and George T. Babcock, Attorneys for Intervenor/Appellants; John C. Green, Attorney for

Appellee, Harley Sanwick, Sr.

Civil: Tort action

Proceedings below: The district court granted summary judgment in favor of Appellee (Sanwick) after previously dismissing with prejudice all of Intervenor’s claims against Appellee (Edquist).

Issues: Whether the district court erred in 1) granting Appellee summary judgment; 2) finding no genuine issue of material fact as to whether the Appellees conspired to tortuously inflict injury upon Intervenor/Appellant; 3) failing to apply the doctrine of transferred intent; 4) failing to impose vicarious liability on Appellee for reasonably foreseeable torts committed by his co-conspirator; and 5) finding no genuine issue of material fact as to whether Appellees directly committed any tort against Intervenor/Appellant.

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