Onstot v. Onstot

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Case Summary

S-17-0038 Mark A. Onstot (Appellant) v. Maria D. Onstot (Cross-appellant)

Sarpy County, Judge William B. Zastera

Attorneys: Thomas J. Anderson (Thomas J. Anderson, P.C., L.L.O.)  — Robin L. Binning (Binning & Plambeck)   

Civil: Dissolution of marriage

Proceedings Below: The court dissolved the marriage, divided the parties’ assets, and awarded spousal support.

Issues: The two issues on appeal concern the treatment of a house Mark owned prior to marriage and spousal support. Mark assigns that the court erred in awarding equity in his house to Maria or, alternatively, in not granting him credit for its value as of the date of marriage, and in requiring him to sell the house if he does not refinance or otherwise remove Maria’s financial responsibility for it within 60 days. He also assigns that the court awarded excessive spousal support. On cross-appeal, Maria assigns that the court abused its discretion in ordering that spousal support would cease upon her “cohabitation” with a “significant other.”

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