Osantowski v. Osantowski

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Case Summary

S-16-0807, Brian Osantowski (Appellant) v. Dori Osantowski

District Court for Seward County, Hon. James Stecker

Attorneys:                   John W. Ballew, Jr., and Adam R. Little (for Appellant)

                                        Stan A. Emerson (for Appellee)

Civil:                           Dissolution

Proceedings below:     District court entered decree of dissolution in which it, inter alia, determined, valued, and divided the martial estate.

Issues: Whether district court made mathematical and other technical errors in its calculation of the marital estate; whether the district court’s division of property was inequitable in light of the short duration of the marriage; and whether district court abused its discretion when it failed to give Brian credit for crops he owned prior to the marriage.


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