In re Appl. of Poppe

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Public Service Commission
Case Summary

S-18-0878 In re Application of Poppe; Windstream Communications, Inc. (Appellant) v. Jason Poppe, Brook Marshall, Eugene Griess, Cole Schelkopf, Craig Griess, Ron Nuss, Lon Ochsner, Kristin Jerred, Jerry Huebert, Isaac Schelkopf, and the Nebraska Public Service Commission (Appellees)

Attorneys: L. Jay Bartel (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellees, NPSC); Blake E. Johnson, Katherine J. Spohn (Bruning Law Group, for Appellant)

Civil: Nebraska Public Service Commission

Proceedings Below: The Commission granted the applicants’ request to change the Windstream Sutton Exchange boundary to allow the applicants to obtain advance telecommunications capability service from Hamilton’s Doniphan Exchange.

Issues: Whether the Commission erred in determining the applicants would not receive reasonable advance telecommunications capability service within a reasonable time absent a change of Windstreams’ Sutton Exchange boundary. 

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