In re Application of Skrdlant

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Public Service Commission
Case Summary

S-18-0877 In re Application of Skrdlant; Windstream Communications, Inc. (Appellant) v. Keith Skrdlant and the Nebraska Public Service Commission (Appellees)

Nebraska Public Service Commission

Attorneys: L. Jay Bartel (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellee, NPSC); Blake E. Johnson, Katherine J. Spohn (Bruning Law Group, for Appellant)

Civil: Nebraska Public Service Commission

Proceedings Below: The Commission granted Skrdlant’s request to change the Windstream Hanson Exchange boundary to allow Skrdlant to obtain advance telecommunications capability service from Hamilton’s Doniphan Exchange.

Issues: Whether the Commission erred in determining Skrdlant would not receive reasonable advance telecommunications capability service within a reasonable time absent a change of Windstreams’ Hanson Exchange boundary.  

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