In re Estate of Abbott-Ochsner

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S-17-0528, In re Estate of Abbott-Ochsner

County Court of Douglas County, Hon. Lawrence Barrett

Attorneys: Appellant: Michael F. Coyle, Elizabeth A. Culhane, Jacqueline M. DeLuca (Fraser Stryker PC LLO); Appellees: John M. Lingelbach. James A. Tews, Minja Herian (Koley Jessen PC LLO)

Civil: Probate

Proceedings Below: After the probate case had been transferred from the county court to the district court by the appellant, the county court held a hearing and sustained the appellees’ motion for appointment of a special administrator.

Issues: (1) whether the county court’s appointment of a special administrator is a final, appealable order; (2) whether the county court lacked jurisdiction to appoint a special administrator because the case had already been transferred to the district court; and (3) whether the county court erred by appointing a special administrator.

Schedule Code