In re Estate of Anderson

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County Court
Case Summary

S-21-864 In the Matter of the Estate of Caroll M. Anderson, Krystal J. Collins, individually and as personal representative of the Estate of Caroll M. Anderson (Appellee) v. Roger D. Anderson and Carol J. Noble (Appellants)

Appeal from the County Court for Boone County, Judge Stephen R.W. Twiss

Attorneys: Jared J. Krejci (Smith, Johnson, Allen, Connick, & Hansen for Appellants); Keith A. Harvat (Houghton, Bradford, & Whitted for Appellee) and Jeffrey C. Jarecki (Jarecki, Sharp, & Petersen for Appellee)

Probate:  Contested Will and appointment of a Special Administrator

Proceedings Below: Because the matter had previously been transferred to the district court, the county court determined it lacked jurisdiction over Appellant’s motion. Appellant petitioned the Nebraska Supreme Court to Bypass the Nebraska Court of Appeals, and said motion was granted.

Issue: Appellant suggests that the county court erred in: 1) determining that it lacked jurisdiction over Appellant’s petition for appointment of a special administrator and for a restraining order, 2) in not granting Appellant’s petition for appointment of a special administrator, and 3) in not granting Appellant’s petition for a restraining order.

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